Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR Q)
The PAR Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) is required to be completed by each participant before taking part in any of our in-person fitness classes.
For most people, physical activity should not pose any problems or hazards. PAR Q has been designed to identify the small number of adults for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or those who should have medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them.
Common sense is your best guide in answering these few questions in the next section. Please read them carefully and check YES or NO. If YES, please explain. If you answer yes to any of the questions in the PAR-Q, you are advised to seek medical advise/approval before taking part in any fitness classes. If your health changes, such that you answer yes to any of the questions, please refrain from exercising until you have spoken with your doctor or health professional.
Some of our classes are taught in darkened rooms with disco lights. If you suffer from any form of photo-sensitivity or light sensitivity these classes may not suitable for you.
It is important that you listen to your own body, take the classes at your own pace and chose the lower impact moves if you find the high impact moves too challenging. It is vital that you stay hydrated and take rest whenever you need it. You must make the instructor aware of any medical conditions or injuries. If at anytime you have a question, feel unsafe or unwell you must inform the instructor immediately and discontinue further participation in the class.
This information is not meant to make you feel anxious about taking part in our classes. It is merely there to make sure we can give you the best experience possible and to keep you exercising safely, so you can fully enjoy your class, every time!